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Commission ad ruled misleading

17 April 2007

A TV commercial by the NZ Government-owned Accident Compensation Corporation telling viewers “you’re covered” has been deemed misleading…

Insurers outshine banks

17 April 2007

Insurance companies in Australia are outperforming big banks in creating wealth for shareholders, reversing a trend in other mature markets…

DOFI tax payment doubt

11 April 2007

Stamp duty levies for direct offshore foreign insurers have exposed regulatory inconsistencies, according to IAG CRO and Group Actuary Tony Coleman…

Industry posts healthy results

11 April 2007

The Australian insurance industry underwriting result for the 12 months to December 31 last year was $3.6 billion, an increase of 25.1% on the previous year, according to…

Allianz queries DMF exemptions

11 April 2007

As the insurance industry eagerly awaits the Federal Treasury position on how DOFIs will be regulated, the question of how discretionary mutual funds will be treated is also in limbo…

Fodera found guilty

11 April 2007

Former HIH CFO Dominic Fodera has been found guilty on charges stemming from the release of a 1998 prospectus that omitted key information about its underwriter…

Claims compo scheme details expected soon

11 April 2007

The HIH Royal Commission findings were handed down more than five years ago, and finally the insurance industry is close to finding out what the Council of Financial Regulators…

More flock to ‘narrowed’ Comcare

03 April 2007

Last week’s High Court decision to allow large employers to ditch state and territory workers’ compensation schemes and self-insure under the Federal Government’s Comcare…

Lawyers renew push for national PI

03 April 2007

Australia’s peak law body is reviving its campaign for a national professional indemnity scheme after large firms threatened to withdraw from state law councils…

Make me an offer, online

03 April 2007

More consumers are going online for insurance quotes as internet sales cut into the market share of phone sales…

Apartments get terrorism cover

03 April 2007

People in apartments are now able to insure against the risk of a plane being hijacked by terrorists and crashing into their building…

NZ flood claims reach $10 million

03 April 2007

Insured losses from flooding in New Zealand’s far north and Whangarei regions could reach $NZ10 million ($8.8 million), with thousands of claims already received by insurers…

States lose Comcare case

27 March 2007

Australian states no longer have a monopoly over compulsory workers’ compensation insurance…

Cyclone Larry claims to exceed $500 million

27 March 2007

Claims by residents and businesses hit by Cyclone Larry last year are expected to climb above $500 million, and the overall cost is projected to exceed $1 billion…

Lawyers’ tort reform bid fails

27 March 2007

A hard-fought campaign to wind back tort reform in NSW won major political support last week – but the last-minute backing by the luckless state opposition on the eve…

Premium funding deal was a surprise

27 March 2007

None of the four premium funders that make up the Steadfast broker cluster group’s panel were aware that Steadfast was negotiating with Macquarie Bank to set up a joint venture…

ANZIIF publishes some good value

27 March 2007

It’s no “Insurance for Dummies”, but a new book published by the Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance hopes to take some of the guesswork out of…