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Liability proposals could harm business

09 October 2007

Long-tail liability law reform is unnecessary and potentially damaging to Australia's business reputation, according to a group of governance experts…

Bracks signs up to broker board

09 October 2007

Former Victorian Premier Steve Bracks has accepted a board position with broking giant Jardine Lloyd Thompson…

ANZIIF draws closer to UK cousin

02 October 2007

The Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance is forging a stronger relationship with its UK counterpart the Chartered Insurance Institute to drive growth…

Insurers warned over D&O pricing

02 October 2007

Insurers may need to factor the cost of future litigation into their directors' and officers' liability premiums following a landmark US ruling that required Chubb subsidiary…

Farmer calls for drought insurance scheme

02 October 2007

The latest drought relief package could have been avoided - or at least reduced - if farmers, insurers and the Federal Government had negotiated a private insurance scheme beforehand…

WorkSafe in bumper year

02 October 2007

The Victorian WorkCover Authority has lodged a full-year profit of $1.17 billion, with a relentless public safety campaign and investments producing tangible results…

Actuaries salute academic

02 October 2007

University of NSW academic Michael Sherris has been named Actuary of the Year by the Institute of Actuaries of Australia…

Insurance profits down 5%

25 September 2007

The insurance industry's net profit after tax slipped 5.5% to $5.2 billion for the year ending June 30 2007, according to the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority…

Credit risk being ignored: insurer

25 September 2007

Credit defaults do not concern most Australian businesses despite traces of US subprime debt lingering in international markets, according to credit insurer Atradius…

Car theft down in June quarter

25 September 2007

Motor vehicle thefts have fallen for the sixth consecutive quarter and are down more than 6% on the previous year, new figures show…

Insurers warn landlords on drug labs

25 September 2007

New Zealand's illegal drug manufacturers seem to be moving into fancier digs - with implications for landlords and their insurers…

Aon warns on supply chain risk

25 September 2007

The pursuit of corporate efficiency is leaving businesses badly exposed to supply chain risks, insurance broker Aon says…

More to do on IT security

25 September 2007

The world's largest financial institutions are underprepared for the security challenges of the future, according to Deloitte's 2007 Global Security Survey