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… as NSW Nationals step up pressure

NSW Deputy Opposition Leader and National Party leader Andrew Stoner says he will highlight rising state taxes, including insurance taxes, during a two-month tour of the state.  

He says stamp duty on general insurance premiums has risen from 5% to 9%, while Queensland’s rate has remained at 7.5%.

Mr Stoner says the fire services levy (FSL) - currently 38% for NSW business owners and 20% for homeowners – is exacerbating the underinsurance problem.

“We probably get more complaints about the FSL than the stamp duty,” Mr Stoner told “The whole package of the fees and charges – a tax upon a tax – affects the affordability of insurance and is short-sighted.”

“People are doing it tough with cost of living pressures, and there is nowhere worse than NSW,” he said, prior to leaving Sydney on a two-month tour of regional areas.