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IAG executives caught up in Mumbai drama

Three IAG employees in India to seal a joint venture deal with the State Bank of India found themselves caught up in the Mumbai terrorist attacks.

Insurance Operations Manager Stephen Beatty and colleagues Mike Kelsall and Chen Ling are back in Australia after their ordeal, in which they hid from terrorists in their hotel.

Mr Beatty told local media he lived off the contents of his minibar for two days while locked in his room at the Trident-Oberoi hotel when gun-wielding terrorists took over the complex for 36 hours.

The three men survived the siege after a rescue operation by commandos and were flown home to Sydney with other Australian survivors.

An IAG spokesman told the company has had a small team on the ground in Mumbai following the recent signing of IAG’s joint venture agreement with the State Bank of India but they are all now safely back in Australia.

“Our people are doing well, and are now resting and spending time with their families.”