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Tight NZ market likely to remain into 2012

18 April 2011

The New Zealand property and business interruption market hardened rapidly following the September Christchurch earthquake, and tighter conditions can be expected to continue into 2012…

Actuaries divided on subsidised flood premiums

18 April 2011

Australia’s actuaries support risk-based property insurance for natural disasters but are divided on whether there should be premium subsidies for high-risk properties…

Speed, fatigue major causes of truck crashes

18 April 2011

If you’re middle-aged and driving a small truck on Highway 1 on a Monday in June between 11am and 2pm, take extra care – you’re at high risk of a serious truck accident…

Old cars stripped for black market

18 April 2011

The National Motor Vehicle Theft Reduction Council says a “changing youth culture” has contributed to a drop in stolen cars, but thieves are still targeting older cars for “black market” trade…

In Insurance News (the magazine) this month

18 April 2011

Assistant Treasurer Bill Shorten has spoken out on flood insurance and insurers’ attitudes in an exclusive interview with Insurance News (the magazine)…

Clarification: EQC funding

18 April 2011

In last week’s bulletin we quoted a director of the New Zealand Earthquake Commission on the fund’s ability to cover the cost of the February 22 Christchurch earthquake…

Flood: Insurers sledged at Ipswich meeting

11 April 2011

Insurers have defended a decision not to confront angry residents at an Ipswich meeting last week, saying it was “not the right forum” for discussions…

Flood: Shorten launches proposed definition

11 April 2011

Legal groups say the long-awaited release of a proposed common flood definition will finally give consumers a clear understanding of what they are covered for…

Tough time ahead for business clients with risks

11 April 2011

Businesses exposed to identifiable wind and flood risks will face premium increases and more restrictions on their policies, according to Marsh’s latest report on the local insurance market…

EQC model isn’t perfect, but a viable option

11 April 2011

New Zealand Earthquake Commissioner Giselle McLachlan says the scheme’s model “isn’t perfect” but could be a viable option for Australia as it investigates ways to insure against natural disasters…

Flood: Inquiry starts as submissions close

11 April 2011

Residents of the flash flood-devastated Lockyer Valley can make a submission to the commission of inquiry into the Queensland floods any time, with hearings beginning today…

Flood: Guide to help claimants

11 April 2011

Queenslanders can now access a simple how-to guide for processing their claims following floods, storm and cyclones…