Christchurch earthquake: Decisions on damaged land delay rebuilding
09 May 2011
Damage to land as well as property is complicating the insurance process for property-owners in and around earthquake-ravaged Christchurch…
09 May 2011
Damage to land as well as property is complicating the insurance process for property-owners in and around earthquake-ravaged Christchurch…
09 May 2011
The Insurance Council of Australia says a $12.1 million Victorian Government investment in flood warning systems could be better spent on mapping…
09 May 2011
IAG says a government moves to improve the understanding of climate change issues in high-risk coastal areas is a step in the right direction…
09 May 2011
Victorians living in flood and bushfire-prone areas can now cut their losses with the option to sell off their land to the State Government…
09 May 2011
Insured losses of around $NZ10 million ($7.4 million) are expected from the tornado that hit the Auckland suburb of Albany last week, killing one person…
09 May 2011
CBH Mutual has had “a good response” from WA farmers signing up for its crop multi-peril insurance scheme…
09 May 2011
The US-based Risk and Insurance Management Society has issued guiding principles and a definition for strategic risk management, saying it’s a growing area of enterprise risk management…
02 May 2011
General insurance brokers will still be able to receive commissions on insurance products and volume payments after being excluded from the Federal Government’s Future of Financial Advice reforms…
02 May 2011
Insurance brokers will lose their commission if they sell a policy to a superannuation fund, Treasury has confirmed to…
02 May 2011
Insurance Council of Australia CEO Rob Whelan has accused all levels of government in Queensland for not undertaking flood mitigation works…
02 May 2011
Ratings agency Standard & Poor’s has given Australia’s general insurance industry a clean bill of health, despite the impact of the recent natural disasters…
02 May 2011
New Zealand’s Earthquake Commission has received more than 300,000 claims from the two Christchurch earthquakes and the aftershocks…
02 May 2011
Queensland’s Reconstruction Authority Chairman, Major General Mick Slater, is contacting insurance company CEOs to speed up claims in flood-devastated areas of the state…
02 May 2011
Banks are considering whether to make flood insurance compulsory for people taking out home loans on properties in flood-prone areas…
02 May 2011
Toowoomba Regional Council CEO Ken Gouldthorp has told the Queensland flood inquiry that earlier warnings from the Bureau of Meteorology wouldn’t have made a difference to the result…
02 May 2011
Bermuda-based insurers and reinsurers have written 51% of the claim liabilities for the September 6 Christchurch earthquake and 14% of claims for the Japan earthquake and tsunami…
18 April 2011
Assistant Treasurer Bill Shorten will chair a new “Insurance Reform Advisory Group” bringing together industry bodies and two key Federal Government ministries…
18 April 2011
Overseas insurance schemes to deal with natural disasters including flood will be examined by the Federal Government’s new Natural Disasters Insurance Review…
18 April 2011
The Queensland Government was given advance warning of a wetter than average summer, the state’s inquiry into the recent flood disasters has heard…
18 April 2011
Insurance Council of Australia IPresident Rob Scott has hit back at critics of the industry’s actions over the flood insurance issue, advising them to address their own failings over flood…