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Flood: Mapping needs a higher priority

09 May 2011

The Insurance Council of Australia says a $12.1 million Victorian Government investment in flood warning systems could be better spent on mapping…

Coastal mapping is a good first step

09 May 2011

IAG says a government moves to improve the understanding of climate change issues in high-risk coastal areas is a step in the right direction…

High-risk sell off

09 May 2011

Victorians living in flood and bushfire-prone areas can now cut their losses with the option to sell off their land to the State Government…

WA crop insurance scheme grows

09 May 2011

CBH Mutual has had “a good response” from WA farmers signing up for its crop multi-peril insurance scheme…

RIMS defines strategic risk management

09 May 2011

The US-based Risk and Insurance Management Society has issued guiding principles and a definition for strategic risk management, saying it’s a growing area of enterprise risk management…

FOFA: Brokers escape the worst

02 May 2011

General insurance brokers will still be able to receive commissions on insurance products and volume payments after being excluded from the Federal Government’s Future of Financial Advice reforms…

S&P says local industry in good shape

02 May 2011

Ratings agency Standard & Poor’s has given Australia’s general insurance industry a clean bill of health, despite the impact of the recent natural disasters…

Flood: Recovery chief tackles insurers

02 May 2011

Queensland’s Reconstruction Authority Chairman, Major General Mick Slater, is contacting insurance company CEOs to speed up claims in flood-devastated areas of the state…

Flood: Earlier warning no help

02 May 2011

Toowoomba Regional Council CEO Ken Gouldthorp has told the Queensland flood inquiry that earlier warnings from the Bureau of Meteorology wouldn’t have made a difference to the result…

Shorten sets up another insurance review body

18 April 2011

Assistant Treasurer Bill Shorten will chair a new “Insurance Reform Advisory Group” bringing together industry bodies and two key Federal Government ministries…

Panel to assess existing disaster models

18 April 2011

Overseas insurance schemes to deal with natural disasters including flood will be examined by the Federal Government’s new Natural Disasters Insurance Review…

Queensland was warned of wet spell

18 April 2011

The Queensland Government was given advance warning of a wetter than average summer, the state’s inquiry into the recent flood disasters has heard…

ICA president hits back at critics

18 April 2011

Insurance Council of Australia IPresident Rob Scott has hit back at critics of the industry’s actions over the flood insurance issue, advising them to address their own failings over flood…