23 May 2011
The Federal Government’s Natural Disaster Insurance Review is advocating a “full flood cover” solution to the availability and affordability of flood insurance, which will mean that all insurers…
23 May 2011
The majority of Queenslanders are against paying a property tax or levy to adequately insure all Australians against natural disaster, an Insurance Council of Australia survey has revealed…
23 May 2011
Insurers who responded to the Federal Government’s consultation on a standard flood definition have generally accepted the suggested wording…
23 May 2011
Reinsurers in Europe are “positive but concerned” about risks in Australia, but they have retained their appetite for risk in this part of the world, according to Suncorp CEO Commercial Insurance…
23 May 2011
Any national flood-mapping scheme could be “overly conservative” in its assessment of which areas are at high flood risk, potentially penalising affected homeowners with higher insurance premiums…
23 May 2011
New Zealand’s Earthquake Commission has recognised 10 events for insurance purposes from the time of the first major earthquake on September 4, 2010…
23 May 2011
The New Zealand insurance industry is concerned that the Reserve Bank and Treasury have damaged the industry by raising fears that another insurer is at risk of failure…
23 May 2011
Most insurers have accepted the “new reality” of contestable platforms being used by brokers to compare policy features and costs, but there are fears that it could drive clients toward…
23 May 2011
Brisbane City Council has introduced interim flood levels and standards as a result of the January floods…
23 May 2011
The decision to use rainfall forecast data during a flood crisis should be left to the engineer in charge, the Queensland flood inquiry has heard…
23 May 2011
The Insurance Council of Australia says Australians support the industry’s call for a ban on building residences in flood-prone areas…
23 May 2011
Insurer NZI has sued Invercargill City Council in New Zealand’s South Island for $NZ27 million ($20.1 million) over construction work on a stadium roof that collapsed…
23 May 2011
A social financial study has shown that 17.7% of people over the age of 18 are unable to access general insurance due to affordability…
16 May 2011
Rates are rising and insurers are imposing tougher conditions on difficult risks as the market enters a new hardening phase…
16 May 2011
QBE has again scooped the pool in the annual Aon Australasian Risk Management Benchmarking Survey, topping the list as the most respected insurer overall for the fifth consecutive year…
16 May 2011
New Zealand insurance premiums have begun to rise as reinsurers price for higher risk following the Christchurch earthquakes…
16 May 2011
North Pine Dam, northwest of Brisbane, poses a greater flooding threat to densely populated areas than the Wivenhoe and Somerset dams, Queensland’s flood commission of inquiry was told…
16 May 2011
The Reserve Bank of New Zealand is expecting some merger and acquisition activity as a result of its takeover of insurance licensing in 2013…
16 May 2011
New Zealand’s Earthquake Commission has paid out nearly $NZ850 million ($632 million) in claims following the two Christchurch earthquakes and aftershocks…
09 May 2011
The Queensland floods and Cyclone Yasi have cost local insurers almost $1 billion, according to the Insurance Council of Australia…