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Reinsurers positive about Australia – at a cost

23 May 2011

Reinsurers in Europe are “positive but concerned” about risks in Australia, but they have retained their appetite for risk in this part of the world, according to Suncorp CEO Commercial Insurance…

Another insurer at risk, says NZ Treasury

23 May 2011

The New Zealand insurance industry is concerned that the Reserve Bank and Treasury have damaged the industry by raising fears that another insurer is at risk of failure…

Insurers ‘accepting’ contestable platforms

23 May 2011

Most insurers have accepted the “new reality” of contestable platforms being used by brokers to compare policy features and costs, but there are fears that it could drive clients toward…

Flood: Rainfall forecasts questionable

23 May 2011

The decision to use rainfall forecast data during a flood crisis should be left to the engineer in charge, the Queensland flood inquiry has heard…

Insurer sues council over roof collapse

23 May 2011

Insurer NZI has sued Invercargill City Council in New Zealand’s South Island for $NZ27 million ($20.1 million) over construction work on a stadium roof that collapsed…

Research reveals insurance exclusion

23 May 2011

A social financial study has shown that 17.7% of people over the age of 18 are unable to access general insurance due to affordability…

QBE tops Aon rankings for fifth year

16 May 2011

QBE has again scooped the pool in the annual Aon Australasian Risk Management Benchmarking Survey, topping the list as the most respected insurer overall for the fifth consecutive year…

Big rate rises follow NZ quakes

16 May 2011

New Zealand insurance premiums have begun to rise as reinsurers price for higher risk following the Christchurch earthquakes…