Christchurch earthquake: EQC fast-tracks assessments
21 March 2011
e NZ Earthquake Commission will have 350 assessors and loss adjusters in Christchurch this week in a bid to fast-track claims…
21 March 2011
e NZ Earthquake Commission will have 350 assessors and loss adjusters in Christchurch this week in a bid to fast-track claims…
14 March 2011
New hydrology reports from the Insurance Council of Australia’s panel of experts conclude that releases from Wivenhoe Dam were to blame for the Brisbane floods…
14 March 2011
Hydrology reports commissioned by the Insurance Council of Australia for the Queensland floods will also form the basis of the Financial Ombudsman Service’s rulings, according to Chief Ombudsman Colin Neave…
14 March 2011
Marsh has advised the name of a second employee who died in the Christchurch earthquake…
14 March 2011
A leading consumer advocate has ranked the insurance industry as worse than the banks in its dealings with consumer groups, citing a “take it or leave it, arrogant attitude”…
14 March 2011
QBE has been forced to pay a flood damage claim because the product disclosure statement was not handed to the customer at the time the policy was sold…
14 March 2011
The insurance industry is expecting earthquake cover in New Zealand to be more restricted and cost more after the second Christchurch earthquake…
14 March 2011
Road accident experts say flood-damaged cars can be dangerous, but motor insurers say they will cover flood-affected vehicles if they have passed the roadworthy assessment process…
14 March 2011
Australia’s increased exposure to class action cases and the availability of commercial litigation funders is continuing to apply pressure to the local directors’ and officers’ insurance market…
07 March 2011
The Insurance Council of Australia has warned its members they must contribute to the creation of a universal flood definition or an “uninformed” Federal Government will do it for them…
07 March 2011
New Zealand’s rapid assessment system for earthquake-damaged buildings is being questioned after it emerged that buildings cleared for occupancy after the September 4 Christchurch quake were…
07 March 2011
The economic impact of the second Christchurch earthquake is expected to top $NZ15 billion ($10.95 billion), but the insurance losses will be difficult to apportion between the two quakes…
07 March 2011
Christchurch City Council is likely to get NZ’s largest-ever insurance payout from the country’s local government insurer, Civic Assurance…
07 March 2011
When mining companies and their clients sit down to negotiate, discussion tends to focus on price and quantities rather than what might happen if a disaster strikes, but that might have to change…
07 March 2011
QBE CEO Frank O’Halloran admits there are problems with flood insurance, but says governments should have heeded insurance industry warnings over building in flood-prone areas…
07 March 2011
The Federal Opposition will support tougher regulation of the insurance industry if policy claims from the Queensland and Victorian floods are not resolved quickly, according to emergency services…
07 March 2011
NZ’s national injury insurer, the Accident Compensation Corporation, expects the second Christchurch earthquake to cost it $NZ370 million ($270.4 million)…
07 March 2011
Almost all cyber crime is financially motivated and insurance is a major target, according to a report by the Australian Institute of Criminology…
07 March 2011
Damages continue to mount in the Northern Territory as claims from Cyclone Carlos reach $4.5 million…
28 February 2011
The first insurance industry victim of last week’s Christchurch earthquake has been named…