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Queensland on thieves’ radar

Queensland motorist are facing an “unprecedented” number of profit-motivated thefts, according to the National Motor Vehicle Theft Reduction Council.

Its quarterly statistics show that short-term thefts have reduced nationally by 1%, but the growing number of profit motivated thefts – which are usually linked to organised crime – have increased by 13%.

The figures show an alarming spike in Queensland, with a 36% jump, compared to increases in NSW (4%) and Victoria (11%), with vulnerable flood-affected areas key targets.

“The increase in thefts in Queensland is almost entirely due to increases in the Gold Coast, Brisbane and Logan local government areas,” the report says.

Suncorp says it has also undertaken its own research, which reveals some alarming increases.

Spokesman Reuben Aitchison says thefts were trending down in the year to June until the last four months took an upward turn, distorting the size of the year-on-year results.

Although overall thefts in Brisbane are down 8% on the year to June, there has been a sharp increase in thefts in the year-on-year comparisons, with March recording a 44% jump, up 59% in April, 40% in May and 128% in June.

Mr Aitchison told the Gold Coast recorded similar results, with a 13% reduction in results to June. But monthly year-on-year comparisons show very different results.

March saw a massive 150% increase, followed by a 42% decrease in April but returning to an upward trend in May and June, with 58% and 56% rises respectively.

“While this upward trend might have some impact on premium levels, it’s other factors such as accident rates, average repair costs, the make and model of car and the people behind