11 September 2023
The Victorian Marine and Coastal Council and Life Saving Victoria have warned that the state is at risk of suffering $442 billion in economic losses from sea level rise and storm surges by the end of the century...
11 September 2023
The Insurance Council of Australia has announced another round of consultation forums for flood-affected communities across northern Victoria...
04 September 2023
Suncorp has listed the areas that it is most concerned about as the potential for a bad bushfire season grows...
04 September 2023
The Bureau of Meteorology says measures in the Pacific and Indian Ocean continue to track toward thresholds that would lead to declarations of climate driver events associated with drier weather...
04 September 2023
Reinsurers have been vital in covering the majority of Australian natural catastrophe claims in recent years as insurers have passed on much of the risks, the World Insurance Congress Australia heard...
04 September 2023
New Zealand’s financial ombudsman service says there has been an increase in insurance complaints after severe weather events struck the country this year...
04 September 2023
The Marina Industries Association says escalating insurance costs represent an increasing threat to tourism in Northern Australia and it’s gathering more data from members on the problems as the sector continues to push for inclusion in the Cyclone Reinsurance Pool...
28 August 2023
Houseowners/householders insurance remains a troubled spot for the general insurance industry even after sharp rate rises in response to last year’s catastrophic floods and rising costs across claims and reinsurance...
28 August 2023
The level of concern in New Zealand regarding natural disasters is on the rise with one in five businesses expressing increased apprehension compared to two years ago, a Vero survey has found...
28 August 2023
More than 700 readers have already completed our latest wellbeing survey, but insuranceNEWS.com.au is encouraging more to take part...
28 August 2023
The court sequel to a man slipping on wet tiled stairs has highlighted the need for insurers to be clear with insureds about policy exclusions, especially those taken out online...
28 August 2023
New Zealand’s Insurance and Financial Services Ombudsman Scheme can investigate more complaints after its upper limit was lifted to $NZ350,000, an increase from $NZ200,000...
28 August 2023
A Senate inquiry into greenwashing and looming Treasury requirements for climate related financial reporting are building momentum for businesses to take the issues seriously, a legal expert warns...
28 August 2023
The Australasian Fire Authorities Council has released its seasonal bushfire outlook for spring, saying an earlier start to the high risk fire season is expected as climate influences have shifted significantly since a year ago...
28 August 2023
Students from Wellington College have won the top prize for this year’s CRISiSLab challenge with their development of a wave detection technology...
21 August 2023
Travel insurer Cover-More has been left with a $220,000 bill after an employee carried out a long-running fraud...
21 August 2023
The Australian Financial Complaints Authority says Suncorp cannot deny a burst flexihose claim due to rust on the hose’s exterior...
21 August 2023
The Bureau of Meteorology is continuing to monitor atmospheric conditions in the Pacific as it maintains an El Nino Alert...
21 August 2023
The rise of climate litigation carries implications for Australian insurers, law firm Clyde & Co says after a United Nations global report has Australia as the jurisdiction with the highest number of cases outside of the US and the European Union...
14 August 2023
Home insurance premiums have jumped 28% in the past year, the biggest gain in two decades, while high risk properties, such as those in flood-prone areas have seen increases of up to 50%, the Actuaries Institute says...