Consumer group criticises NIBA for code change on disclosure
17 July 2023
A consumer group has criticised the National Insurance Brokers Association for “winding back commitments” on disclosure of commissions...
17 July 2023
A consumer group has criticised the National Insurance Brokers Association for “winding back commitments” on disclosure of commissions...
17 July 2023
An armed security guard whose offsider pointed a loaded gun at his face has failed in a claim against his employer for damages sustained in the course of his job...
17 July 2023
Australia is "staring down the barrel” of a potentially extreme El Nino and positive Indian Ocean Dipole, yet this will not necessarily bring a repeat of the record bushfires that devastated the east coast a few years ago...
17 July 2023
Homeowners who claimed for water damage caused by a leaking bath tap have won their dispute after an Australian Financial Complaints Authority decision found their insurer could not rely on policy exclusions to decline the claim...
10 July 2023
KPMG says it “sees no reason” not to expect another 10% rise in premiums next year across the industry, and in particular for home and motor policies...
10 July 2023
The Insurance Council of Australia has released the latest set of catastrophe claims data, with last year’s February and March floods in NSW and Queensland nearing the $6 billion mark...
10 July 2023
A woman who claims she was signed up for loan protection insurance without her knowledge has failed to win a refund...
10 July 2023
The challenge of more frequent and increasingly erratic extreme weather events, and the impacts on the insurance industry, will be addressed in a key panel session at next month’s World Insurance Congress in Australia...
10 July 2023
One in five health and social assistance care workers say they are suffering from work related burnout, updated research funded by Insurance and Care NSW reveals...
10 July 2023
Gallagher Bassett has outlined how insurers can speed policy reinstatement to combat inflation...
03 July 2023
The Australian Securities Investments Commission has called on insurers to do better after IAG undertook to contact customers caught up in the discount controversy to advise them of a Federal Court judgment on Friday...
03 July 2023
Property catastrophe rate pressures eased at the mid-year renewals, and the new northern Australia cyclone reinsurance pool can take some of the credit, global broker Aon says...
03 July 2023
Some holidaymakers say they won’t be packing travel insurance due to the rising costs of premiums since the pandemic, according to a survey by a comparison website...
03 July 2023
Fixed quotas ensuring the hiring of more diverse teams are to be encouraged as they help insurers gauge progress and hold management accountable...
03 July 2023
A sharp rise in motor repair costs is partly due to higher energy, materials and labour costs, though a key and more permanent factor is the rapid advance in technology of modern motor vehicles, repair management firm AAMC says...
26 June 2023
Beauticians that were forced to shut down due to Victorian government orders during the pandemic have lost claim disputes as the state’s restrictions were not directly tied to outbreaks near their business locations...
26 June 2023
Hosts sued by a party guest, who was set alight by another guest in a drunken prank gone wrong, have won an appeal ruling which a lawyer says is a relief for the insurance industry...
26 June 2023
Broadening the scope of the cyclone reinsurance pool will be one of the key focus areas for the coming year, the Australian Consumers Insurance Lobby (ACIL) said at its annual general meeting...
26 June 2023
Sporting organisation AusCycling has told members it will need to introduce a special insurance levy due to the impact on its budget from an unexpected surge in public liability premium costs...
26 June 2023
The impact of global supply chain issues on insurers is increasing, upping the need to develop effective strategies to address the challenge, Gallagher Bassett New Zealand National Supply Chain Manager Kelly Spratt says...