Fels urges consideration of mandatory comparison site
09 October 2023
Consumer affairs expert and economist Allan Fels says “serious consideration” should be given to a mandatory personal lines comparison website to increase competition...
09 October 2023
Consumer affairs expert and economist Allan Fels says “serious consideration” should be given to a mandatory personal lines comparison website to increase competition...
09 October 2023
This coming cyclone season is likely to produce a “below average” number of storms because of the El Nino impact, the Bureau of Meteorology has predicted...
09 October 2023
A NSW motorist who has been receiving payments after he crashed his vehicle while trying to avoid deer, leaving him with catastrophic injuries, has failed to prove he has a case for extending the compensation beyond the mandated 104-week period...
02 October 2023
Brokers and other intermediaries placed about $18.49 billion in premium with general insurers in the first six months of the year, according to an Australian Prudential Regulation Authority bi-annual update...
02 October 2023
Allianz claims data shows a 46% increase in workers’ compensation volume since pre-covid, while the cost of claims jumped 36%...
02 October 2023
Insurance Council of New Zealand, Te Kahui Inihua o Aotearoa CEO Tim Grafton has announced he will leave following next year’s Annual General Meeting in April...
02 October 2023
Underwriter Liberty Specialty Markets has created a parametric solution for a tomato grower to protect a glasshouse worth $4 million from wind damage...
02 October 2023
The financial services sector in the Asia Pacific is one of the most cyber attacked sectors in the world, and Australia, Singapore and Japan are the top three most targeted countries – together accounting for more than three-quarters of all web application and API incidents...
02 October 2023
The New Zealand Society of Actuaries says reputational risks may emerge for insurers from the red zoning of areas following the storms and floods earlier this year...
25 September 2023
Affordability and availability pressures and increasing regulatory scrutiny are two key issues for the insurance industry, the annual Radar report from actuarial consultancy Taylor Fry says...
25 September 2023
Declarations of an El Nino event and a positive Indian Ocean Dipole have underscored expectations for weather conditions that increase the risk of bushfires, the Bureau of Meteorology says...
25 September 2023
A caravan park and camping ground business and an operator of cafes in WA have both lost disputes over business interruption cover during the pandemic...
25 September 2023
Third-party property damage claims in New Zealand are likely to rise after the significant weather events in North Island early this year, according to a report from law firm Wotton + Kearney...
25 September 2023
A UNSW academic says more work needs to be done to see how psychological factors will influence Australians as they make “increasingly difficult decisions” about home insurance...
18 September 2023
The eastern Sydney hailstorm and cyclones Tracy and Dinah would cause losses surpassing last year’s record-breaking floods if they struck today, figures recalculating losses based on current exposures show...
18 September 2023
The Insurance Council of Australia has written directly to a local government in northern Victoria over concerns that a planning approval will allow townhouses to be built in an area of Echuca inundated by Murray River flooding last year...
18 September 2023
Australian businesses are struggling to achieve net-zero goals, hindered by costs and regulatory challenges, according to a Zurich report...
18 September 2023
The Insurance Council of New Zealand Te Kāhui Inihua o Aotearoa says claims from this year’s twin disasters of the Auckland floods and Cyclone Gabrielle now total $NZ3.5 billion, and insurers have already paid out more than $NZ2 billion...
11 September 2023
The Insurance Brokers Code Compliance Committee will conduct an inquiry to better understand a continuing under-reporting of breaches by subscribers that raises concerns about culture and processes...
11 September 2023
Negotiations between QBE and artists over proposed changes to its policy terms for work undertaken at heights have ended and an agreement reached...