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Ad campaign draws closer

More information has surfaced about the Financial Planning Association's (FPA) much-discussed “value of advice” advertising campaign, which is due to begin next month.

The FPA magazine says the campaign, which will cost $3 million in its first year, is aimed at people aged between 30 and 60 who haven’t used a planner before.

While former Chairman Steve Helmich initiated the campaign, financial services marketing consultant Michael Young was the one appointed to develop strategies and brief ad agencies.

“We’re not trying to sell a product or direct anyone down any specific paths – other than to encourage them to ask for information… to find a professional planner,” he said. “The central idea of the campaign will be engaging and memorable. It needs to stand out.”

Radar, the agency that won the FPA account, will focus on delivering successful television and print advertisements, a consumer “good advice” pack, and materials for FPA members to use.