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Life Insurance

FPA switches education to consumers

11 May 2004

The Financial Planning Association, the peak body for Australia’s financial planners, has announced an initiative to improve the financial literacy of young Australians…

Lobbyists want plan for super shortfall

04 May 2004

A coalition of 14 financial services associations and companies is trying to convince the Federal Government to devise a plan to fix the $600 billion shortfall…

Industry safer than US, says IFSA

27 April 2004

The Investment & Financial Services Association says new regulations will protect Australian investors from market timing and late trading problems…

New deputy for IFSA

27 April 2004

IFSA has appointed John O’Shaughnessy as Deputy CEO following the relocation of former Deputy Jo-Anne Bloch…

Super assets rise

27 April 2004

APRA’s latest edition of Super Trends for the December quarter shows an increase of total super assets of 3.3%, leaving assets standing at $565.9 billion…

Zurich wants to build life market share

20 April 2004

Zurich Financial Services is getting serious about growing its share of the life market in Australia, bringing in managers for its marketing and business projects units…

AIG makes its mark

20 April 2004

American International Assurance Company (Australia) Limited (AIA) has changed its name to reflect the powerful image of its US parent…

FPA steps up to re-jig planners’ image

20 April 2004

Just a few weeks after predicting a $2 million deficit for the 2004 year, the Financial Planning Association – the peak body representing planners – has stepped up its activities…

Genetic discrimination study begins

20 April 2004

The first large-scale study of genetic discrimination in Australia is under way, with researchers around the country investigating the positive and minus points of genetic testing…

It’s looking up for planners, says FPA

09 March 2004

Financial planners are finally back on track and in good shape after 18 months of dealing with one disaster after another, according to the Financial Planning Association…

NBNZ may sell life business

09 March 2004

There’s speculation around the industry that the ANZ Banking Group is about to sell the life operations of its newest acquisition, the National Bank of New Zealand…

Simplifying financial know-how

02 March 2004

Media personality and financial guru Paul Clitheroe will head up a top-level 15-member taskforce panel…

Better handling for mentally ill

02 March 2004

Following last week’s Sunrise Exchange News’ tip that the Investment and Financial Services Association was planning to re-commit its efforts to improving life insurance…

Mixed reaction to FSRA relief

17 February 2004

There’s less than a month before the Financial Services Reform Act officially kicks in but that hasn’t stopped the Government adding yet more changes to the regulations…