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The Professional

Ex-Allianz senior exec joins McCabe Curwood

22 July 2019

Insurance law firm McCabe Curwood is hiring Allianz’s former general counsel and company secretary Mathew Kaley to build a specialist corporate and regulatory advisory practice group...

Dive-In seeks greater impact

15 July 2019

Lloyd’s global Dive In Festival aims to have a greater impact on the industry’s approach to diversity and inclusion, as it enters its fifth year...

NIBA names NSW/ACT award winners

15 July 2019

Damien Coorey has won the National Insurance Brokers Association broker of the year award for the NSW and ACT region...

EML backs trauma study for emergency workers

15 July 2019

Workers’ compensation mutual EML and the University of NSW will conduct a three-year research project seeking ways to overcome depression and anxiety in emergency services personnel...

ANZIIF names award contenders

08 July 2019

The Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance today announced the finalists for this year’s Australian Insurance Industry Awards...

icare opens award nominations

08 July 2019

Nominations have opened for NSW state insurer icare’s fifth annual Care and Service Excellence Awards...

NTI sets up trucking safety team

08 July 2019

Specialist insurer NTI has formed a sustainability team to develop safety solutions for the trucking industry, appointing Chris Hogarty as Chief Sustainability Officer...

FMG names Sydney office head

08 July 2019

Consultant FMG Engineering, which provides building-related services to insurers, has appointed Forensic Team Leader Alan Greaney as head of its Sydney office...