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Gallagher Bassett backs health program for Tasmania emergency workers

Gallagher Bassett is supporting a Tasmanian program to improve the health and wellbeing of the state’s emergency services workforce.

MyPulse is a partnership with the Department of Police, Fire & Emergency Management and Ambulance Tasmania’s Wellbeing Unit.

It aims to facilitate positive behavioural change and increase the health and wellbeing literacy of emergency services workers.

About 990 employees have used the MyPulse website to access resources and services offered since its launch this month.

“We know that one in three emergency services workers experience high or very high psychological distress, compared to one in eight Australian adults,” Gallagher Bassett Australia CEO John McNamara said.

“The nature of emergency services work can impact the physical and mental health of employees. Ensuring all employees feel supported and have access to a range of services, resources and learning modules to manage their long-term health and wellbeing is very important to us.”

MyPulse offers online educational modules on physical, mental health and wellbeing, face-to-face educational sessions and online health screens.