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Morgan Stanley upbeat on industry prospects

03 December 2018

Australia’s general insurers can expect margins to continue rising along with premium rates, albeit at a moderating pace, Morgan Stanley analysts say…

Businesswomen missing expert advice: Vero

03 December 2018

Female SME decision-makers are less likely than their male counterparts to seek expert insurance advice, but worry more across a range of issues…

Industry leaders highlight top issues for 2019

28 November 2018

There is no doubt next year could bring significant change, and asked industry leaders to emphasise their top five concerns for the year to come...

Commercial property maintains premium surge

26 November 2018

The Australian commercial property market is seeing signs of reduced capacity, while premiums have risen by 12.5% for three consecutive quarters, broker Marsh says…

Reputation climbs NZ execs’ risk ranking

26 November 2018

“Brand and reputation” has moved into second place behind natural disasters in Marsh’s annual survey of leading risks for New Zealand executives…

Delta warns on rising intellectual property risk

26 November 2018

New Zealand liability specialist Delta Insurance says companies should not ignore intellectual property when drawing up risk management strategies, with litigation related to intangible assets increasing globally…

Too many travellers in dark on coverage

26 November 2018

Australian tourists in southeast Asia take too many risks and don’t have a full understanding of travel insurance, the Insurance Council of Australia (ICA) has warned…

Industry maintains profitability trend: KPMG

19 November 2018

Insurance profits grew 4% to $5 billion last financial year, building on the previous year’s 25% jump, and further improvement is expected amid a long-awaited upswing, KPMG says…

Energy pricing keeps businesses on edge

19 November 2018

Australian companies have ranked energy price shocks ahead of cyber attacks as their main threat for the second consecutive year in a World Economic Forum survey…