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Victoria begins its fire services funding review

The Victorian Government’s review into fire services funding is due by March next year. Whether it will lead to change is uncertain, with Treasurer John Brumby making his hostility to change plain pre-election. However, the review and the lobbying strength of a coalition of business groups, ICA and NIBA may prompt him to change his mind.

ICA Group Manager Southern Division Peter Jamvold said he is confident that the review will  see a “new fairer and more efficient tax system. We are confident that there is good reason for change and we are confident we can work with the Government to bring about change,” he said yesterday.

Mr Jamvold said a fairer system would see all people who benefit from fire and other emergency services being made to contribute. “There are large sections of the community who don’t contribute and we don’t think that is fair. It is only reasonable that everyone contributes.”