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Victoria close to fire services levy decision

The Victorian Treasury mandarins who vanished with the fire services levy review around the end of March have been in touch. But while they’ve promised the industry will have the opportunity to “offer recommendations and advice”, no one yet knows when the review results will see the light of day.

When last we heard news on this issue, Treasurer John Brumby announced he would extend the March 31 review deadline. Now Insurance Council of Australia Southern Division Group Manager Peter Jamvold says Mr Brumby has confirmed things are moving ahead.

“The move is in line with our understanding and we look forward to working with the Victorian Government to support the review and provide detailed modelling of replacement alternatives,” Mr Jamvold said, repeating the offer he made several months ago.

Pointing to the fact that the NSW Government is proving much more positive about a change to a council rates-based funding system, Mr Jamvold said: “We hope to do with Victoria what we’ve been able to achieve in NSW.

We’ll keep you posted.