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ANZIIF predicts further growth

23 April 2003

The Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance will focus on further developing its education and training services after returning a $1.1 million…

NSW workcover deficit keeps growing

15 April 2003

NSW Industrial Relations Minister John Della Bosca can claim some success in his battle to reduce the state’s workcover deficit…

The banks are bad insurers

15 April 2003

Banks haven’t been able to make serious headway in Australian insurance because they’re reluctant underwriters, according to Suncorp CEO John Mulcahy…

Risk managers learn the art of ART

15 April 2003

Increasing premiums and higher deductibles are the cause of risk managers’ growing use of the alternative risk transfer market…

Government to amend Trade Practices Act

08 April 2003

Cheers all round as the Federal Government succumbed to the pressure on Friday and agreed to amend the Trade Practices Act to enforce a national approach…

Brokers face overseas dilemma

08 April 2003

NIBA CEO Noel Pettersen has again warned that brokers are being forced to use unauthorised foreign insurers because their clients can’t get cover from local insurers…

Victoria agrees to inquiry extension

08 April 2003

Insurers and industry groups in Victoria have convinced the Government to extend the time limit for the fire services levy inquiry…

Don’t want ADR? Be careful…

08 April 2003

Australians who choose to litigate their commercial disputes rather than seeking settlements through alternative dispute resolution may soon be penalised for their decision…

Gold Coast boat thieves booming

08 April 2003

Queensland’s Gold Coast is the home of many superlatives, including being the best place in Australia to get your boat stolen…

ICA wants review deadline extended

01 April 2003

The Victorian Government is rushing through its review of the fire services funding issue, and now the alliance of business groups which has forced the review is worrying…

HIH report due this week

01 April 2003

More than two years after HIH fell over, the report into the who, what, why, when and how of the insurer’s collapse will be laid bare on Friday…

Doctors get run-off relief

01 April 2003

The new Medical Indemnity Bill announced last week is intended to make it easier for medical practitioners to access affordable and adequate run-off cover…

PI costs hit rural consultants

01 April 2003

Agricultural consultants who carry out vital salinity testing and waste management for farmers are the latest professional group encountering difficulties in securing affordable PI cover…