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NSW FSL solution draws near

NSW is blazing ahead with a program to sort out the alternatives for fire brigade funding. A committee has been appointed to discuss the options, and has just over a month to present its ideas to the NSW Treasury.

Insurance Council of Australia (ICA) Southern Division Group Manager Peter Jamvold told Sunrise Exchange News ICA will join NSW Treasury and local government groups to discuss fire services levy (FSL) alternatives, including a council rates-funded system.

Meanwhile, south of the border, Victoria continues to drag its heels on FSL reform. Despite the Victorian Treasury saying more than a month ago that the industry would be asked for its opinions on a Government discussion paper, nothing has happened.

“I’m still confident our ideas will be heard,” Mr Jamvold said. “No news doesn’t necessarily mean bad news.”

A Victorian Treasury spokesman said a discussion paper on FSL “will be released soon”, but she couldn’t indicate a rough date. Industry offers to assist with financial modelling appear to have been ignored.

“The insurance industry will be given the opportunity to offer its input in due course,” she said. “All I can really say is the date is drawing close.”

How close? Not close enough, apparently. Mr Jamvold says the ICA would like the Victorian Treasury to take notice of the NSW FSL initiatives. “The best-case scenario would be for the Victorian Government to get involved with what’s happening in NSW and develop a similar system,” he said.