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CGU holds off defence claims

Three directors and officers of failed telco will have to fund their own defence after CGU’s refusal to immediately pay out on their directors' and officers' liability (D&O) policies was upheld on Friday by the NSW Court of Appeal. A 2-1 decision said CGU does not have to pay up front to fund the trio’s defence against an Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) lawsuit demanding $92 million. directors Jodee Rich and John Greaves and CFO Mark Silberman must therefore fund their defence themselves. Their D&O policy has an exclusion against policyholders who were involved in “any wrongful act”. The appeal court upheld a Supreme Court judgement that CGU had a right to withhold the funds until after the ASIC case against the three has been decided.

The majority decision said CGU has a right to refuse payment “where the claim that caused those costs to be incurred by the insured was brought about by, contributed to or involved, inter alia, a dishonest act of omission on the part of the insured”.

Therefore, if ASIC’s case against the three men is successful, the insurer will not have to pay.