Regional brokers group goes to town
22 November 2005
Victorian broker cluster the Regional Insurance Brokers Association is moving away from its concentration on rural and outer suburban brokers by expanding its membership…
22 November 2005
Victorian broker cluster the Regional Insurance Brokers Association is moving away from its concentration on rural and outer suburban brokers by expanding its membership…
22 November 2005
A briefing paper issued to New Zealand’s new Transport Minister David Parker has indicated that the national motor vehicle register is too open, and should be restricted…
22 November 2005
National Transport Insurance has warned there will be no justification for reductions in heavy commercial motor premium rates next year, despite predictions…
22 November 2005
Victoria is about to experience an increase in liability claims, according to Allianz National Manager Liability Claims Lori Callahan…
22 November 2005
Victorian Premier Steve Bracks is being accused of pork-barreling after plans were revealed last week to move the Transport Accident Commission headquarters to the regional city…
15 November 2005
Competition, competition and more competition – that’s the theme dominating the 2005 General Insurance Industry Survey released yesterday…
15 November 2005
While the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission and the Federal Government have given the thumbs-up to NRMA’s controversial web-based vehicle repair…
15 November 2005
The Federal Government’s new taskforce to overcome some of the longstanding issues between the smash repair and insurance industries had its first meeting yesterday…
15 November 2005
Flood insurance is an industry priority and ICA is committed to finding a solution, according to its Executive Director Alan Mason…
15 November 2005
As state elections loom on the horizon in both NSW and Victoria, the insurance industry is once again considering the issue of state-based taxes and their impact on a whole range of…
15 November 2005
The insurance industry has a role to play even as natural disasters grow in number and magnitude…
08 November 2005
Victorian WorkCover Authority Chairman James MacKenzie says the authority will start seeking second opinions on stress cases – a claims “hotspot” – in a bid to cut down…
08 November 2005
Former IBNA CEO Peter Imeson has left the broker cluster group to “pursue other interests” outside insurance…
08 November 2005
The Australian Medical Association has called for new laws to protect workers from toxic dust…
01 November 2005
IAG has found something it likes on the acquisition trail at last…
01 November 2005
Former FAI Home Security Chairman Brad Cooper has been found guilty in the NSW Supreme Court of six counts of corruptly giving a cash benefit to influence an HIH agent…
01 November 2005
IAG subsidiary NRMA Insurance’s preferred repairer scheme is under further scrutiny, with the NSW Parliament’s Staysafe committee setting up an inquiry to examine safety implications…
01 November 2005
The High Court will have to decide on the payment priority of creditors in the New Cap Re case, which begins on December 7…
01 November 2005
The Federal Government is working to ensure Australian court judgements are enforceable in the Netherlands in case Amsterdam-based James Hardie Industries tries to avoid…
25 October 2005
Australia’s insurance industry does not have any of the inherent disclosure and commission problems apparent in the US…