Tort reform is working, says ICA
25 October 2005
The legal establishment might still be resisting the fact, but tort reform is working and the flow-on effects of the legislation have already substantially benefitted the community…
25 October 2005
The legal establishment might still be resisting the fact, but tort reform is working and the flow-on effects of the legislation have already substantially benefitted the community…
25 October 2005
If the Federal Government’s industrial relations laws are passed, workers’ entitlements will be jeopardised when companies collapse…
25 October 2005
A recent High Court decision supports the emphasis NSW courts and the legislature have placed on personal responsibility in public liability claims…
25 October 2005
New Zealand insurers will be watching with interest this week as businesses in the North Island region of Tauranga meet to assess their response to the devastating May 18 floods…
25 October 2005
Bernie Banton, an asbestosis sufferer and prominent campaigner for fellow victims, has criticised James Hardie Australia for being tardy in finalising asbestos compensation…
25 October 2005
Insured damage from the hailstorm that hit Queensland’s Gold Coast last week could reach $50 million…
11 October 2005
Industry experts are studying new draft regulations giving effect to the FSR refinement proposals released by the Federal Treasury this morning…
11 October 2005
NIBA Education has been rebranded to become the NIBA College of Insurance & Risk Professionals…
11 October 2005
New Zealand insurers and brokers – who at present enjoy a minimalist approach to regulation, will be regarding the latest KPMG-Business NZ Compliance Cost Survey with some concern…
11 October 2005
The Financial Industry Complaints Services plans to make its complaints process more transparent and user-friendly…
11 October 2005
The peak body for risk management professionals, the Risk Management Institution of Australasia, is set to launch a professional development program…
11 October 2005
The NSW Government has pledged to cut workers’ compensation premiums if WorkCover’s financial position improves…
11 October 2005
The Northern Territory Government is reviewing the viability of the Government-owned Territory Insurance Office as it makes way for new infrastructure projects…
11 October 2005
QBE’s home and motor products went live this week with Sunrise Exchange Online Quoting service…
04 October 2005
Broking network Austbrokers has revealed details of its float and lodged a prospectus with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission…
04 October 2005
Local insurers held their breath when Hurricane Katrina ripped through the Gulf of Mexico almost a month ago – and it appears their concerns were warranted…
04 October 2005
The Federal Government will make it more difficult for injured Commonwealth employees to get one-off lump compensation payouts by tightening the guidelines to determine…
27 September 2005
The key to simplifying regulation and cutting overly burdensome red tape is encouraging the community, industry and Government to work together…
27 September 2005
The search is on for a replacement for long-time industry leader and Insurance Council of Australia (ICA) Executive Director Alan Mason, who expects to retire early next year…
27 September 2005
APRA’s second quarter statistics, released yesterday, contain a clear message – the cycle has peaked and it’s now on the downward slope…