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ICA devises industry blueprint

07 March 2006

The large number of changes in the political arena makes it hard for ministers to keep up to date on all things insurance, so ICA is developing an industry “blueprint”…

Flood No 1 priority, says ICA

07 March 2006

Finding a way to make flood insurance universally available to the community at an affordable price is at the top of ICA’s agenda this year…

Bushfire threat still a reality

07 March 2006

While the threat of bushfires may have subsided in some areas of northern NSW, the rest of the state still remains on high alert after NSW recorded its hottest summer on record…

Victoria delays controversial law

28 February 2006

The Victorian Government has delayed the implementation of its controversial State Emergency Service Act by 12 months to July 1 next year…

A light at the end of the smash repair tunnel?

28 February 2006

They’re still fighting, but the worst of NRMA Insurance’s dispute with smash repairers appears to be behind the motor insurer – at least according to parent company…

FICS rules to change

28 February 2006

A legal challenge in 2004 that left the Financial Industry Complaint Service with a large legal bill over a decision it made in relation to a member’s behaviour has led the…

Greens look for workers’ comp changes

28 February 2006

The party that may soon hold the balance of power in the Tasmanian Parliament has come out against the 2001 reforms to workers’ compensation rules…

Vehicle thefts continue to fall

28 February 2006

Australian car owners, and their insurers, are continuing to benefit from continuing reductions in car thefts…

James Hardie commits to compensation

28 February 2006

James Hardie Industries is confident it can meet expectations in fulfilling its compensation deal with asbestos victims and is currently in talks with the Australian Taxation Office…

Heavy motor product upgraded

28 February 2006

National Transport Insurance has automated its heavy motor product NTI Express, offering brokers faster and more convenient access to Sunrise® Exchange…

Disclosure: make it less ‘boilerplate’

21 February 2006

Disclosure of conflicts of interest needs to be more simple so customers can actually understand what a company is trying to say, Australian Securities and Investments…

WA lawyers want state-run PI

21 February 2006

Lawyers in Western Australia are angling for a new professional indemnity regime, saying the current system is inflexible and unnecessarily expensive…

Medical indemnity rates drop

21 February 2006

Tort reforms introduced to ensure medical indemnity insurance remains available and affordable have seen the average premium fall by 3% in 2005/06, according to a new report…

Hardie gets its tax break

21 February 2006

New tax laws introduced last week have given James Hardie Industries a break in its $1.6 billion settlement payout to asbestos victims…

Vehicle theft statistics improve

21 February 2006

Annual vehicle thefts have reduced for the fourth year in a row. Last year thefts were down 8% to 78,604 vehicles across the country…

IBANZ appoints new CEO

14 February 2006

The Insurance Brokers Association of New Zealand has appointed former broker Gary Young as its new CEO…