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Claims follow ferry drama

NZ insurers are still totting up the cost of a wild ride on a ferry that extensively damaged cars and cargo. The ferry, the Aratere, runs across Cook Strait between the nation’s main islands and was caught in a 125kmh storm in March that produced waves up to 10 metres.

Passengers said the 150-metre ship – which can carry 370 passengers, 60 railway wagons, 20 trucks and 130 cars – rolled to 50 degrees in the waves, and vehicles and rail wagons were badly damaged.

The master of the ship at the time has been stood aside pending an inquiry, with local media reports suggesting questions will be based more on the securing of vehicles and rail wagons than the navigation of the ship during the unexpected storm.

Other ships were in the area at the time and did not incur damage.

Insurance Council of New Zealand spokesman John Lucas says a maritime report into the incident has been issued, and confirms that claims are substantial.