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New CEO for actuaries

06 June 2006

The Institute of Actuaries of Australia has announced the appointment of John Maroney as CEO…

Climate change comments praised

06 June 2006

Former US Vice President Al Gore has praised IAG CEO Michael Hawker’s leadership over the global warming issue…

Rick Jackson quits IAG

30 May 2006

Rick Jackson, the IAG executive who fought the group’s battle against smash repairers over new procedures for repairs, resigned and left the company last week…

Victoria sneaks in a levy surprise

30 May 2006

The Victorian Government is poised to begin charging a fire services levy from July 1 on notional premiums where the broker or agent uses net ratings…

Claims follow ferry drama

30 May 2006

NZ insurers are still totting up the cost of a wild ride on a ferry that extensively damaged cars and cargo…

NRMA offers training cash

30 May 2006

NRMA Insurance seems to have a love-hate relationship with the NSW smash repair industry…

DOFIs should be on level playing field

23 May 2006

The homegrown insurers of Australia aren’t looking for special treatment – just equitable treatment on a level playing field, according to Promina Group CEO Michael Wilkins…

Educators push ethics with new benchmark

23 May 2006

The Financial Services Education Agency Australia is in the process of launching a new initiative that it says will form the bedrock of good adviser conduct…

Chairlift fails to stay off the ground

23 May 2006

It’s third time unlucky for Arthurs Seat Chairlift operator Richard Hudson, as once again the attraction on the Mornington Peninsula south of Melbourne has left tourists hanging…

Climate change workshops are a must

23 May 2006

The Australian Greenhouse Office is conducting free guidance workshops around Australia during the next month in a bid to educate and prepare businesses…

Tax pressure mounts on governments

16 May 2006

The Insurance Council of Australia has pounced on the fact GST revenue to the states will rise by $2.3 billion in 2006/07 and called on the state and federal governments…

NIBA steps up attack

16 May 2006

In a bid to raise awareness of the excessive and inequitable taxation of insurance, NIBA CEO Noel Pettersen has written to every state and territory Treasurer calling for…

Budget changes workers’ comp

16 May 2006

Federal Workplace Relations Minister Kevin Andrews is cutting benefits in the Commonwealth workers’ compensation scheme, saying it’s a move to make Comcare more consistent…

James Hardie pays $1 billion

16 May 2006

James Hardie Industries has recorded an annual net loss of $657.92 million after reserving $1 billion for compensation to asbestos victims…

Underwriting business excels

16 May 2006

Underwriting agencies account for $1.6 billion in annual premium to the Australian insurance industry and are becoming a more significant part of the industry…