Work experience insurance
16 May 2006
As part of its 2006/07 budget, the Federal Government has pledged $2.7 million towards insurance for job-seekers on work experience…
16 May 2006
As part of its 2006/07 budget, the Federal Government has pledged $2.7 million towards insurance for job-seekers on work experience…
16 May 2006
The general insurance industry is looking pretty good in the eyes of consumers…
09 May 2006
Recently floated broker network Austbrokers has begun a six-month exclusive negotiation period with rival cluster IBNA to pursue complete acquisition…
09 May 2006
The world’s biggest insurers are looking to this region for their next acquisitions, according to international analysts KPMG…
09 May 2006
The NSW Government has announced it will not support the “anti-steering” legislation introduced by independent MP Richard Torbay, much to the delight and relief of the…
09 May 2006
Suncorp has completed most of its assessments for home, building and contents claims received as a result of Cyclone Larry and says claims costs are still expected to be…
09 May 2006
A few years ago insurance professionals in their thousands were being laid off by an industry determined to drive down costs…
09 May 2006
The Federal Government needs to create a regulatory framework that is simpler, clearer and more efficient for consumers and businesses, says Parliamentary Secretary…
09 May 2006
ICA members elected their 2006/07 board last week, with the only newcomer Elders Insurance Brokers GM Tim Plant…
09 May 2006
The continuing evolution of the claims sector will be under the microscope on the Gold Coast this week as 150 leaders in the claims sector, exhibitors and insurance experts…
02 May 2006
More than 95% of the loss assessments associated with Cyclone Larry have been completed, and the people affected have generally been pleased with the industry’s response…
02 May 2006
Floods in New Zealand’s Otago, Southland, Northland and Coromandel regions are likely to mean only modest insurance losses but the Insurance Council of New Zealand…
02 May 2006
Australian Bureau of Statistics figures show a sharp decline in the number of household break-ins since 2002, which may put downward pressure on insurance premiums…
02 May 2006
Federal Treasurer Peter Costello has appointed former Treasury executive Gary Potts as a Commissioner on the Productivity Commission…
02 May 2006
NIBA brokers will have the opportunity to meet with the leaders of the association and other brokers to discuss pressing industry issues at this year’s NIBA Sundowners roadshow…
26 April 2006
A discussion paper released by the business regulator last week on managing conflicts of interest has been welcomed by the financial services industry…
26 April 2006
The final amendments to the Trade Practices Act became law last week, bringing to an end the process of public liability tort reform…
26 April 2006
Suncorp CEO John Mulcahy has been appointed to the taskforce dealing with rebuilding in Innisfail and surrounding areas after the devastation caused by Cyclone Larry on March 19…
19 April 2006
Insured losses from Cyclone Larry are estimated to be $300-400 million, and while that will have a slight impact on insurers’ profits it won’t adversely affect the industry…
19 April 2006
Australian industrial group CSR has reached an insurance litigation settlement of about $103.3 million with a group of 48 Australian, UK and European insurers for US asbestos claims…