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Reinsurers save the day

28 March 2006

Reinsurers are expected to incur claim costs from Cyclone Larry of more than $1 billion because most local insurers have capped claim levels for cyclone-related risks…

Crop cover scheme would be useful now

28 March 2006

The Federal Government refused six years ago to fund an insurance scheme to protect crops against natural disasters after a study showed taxpayers would have to subsidise premiums…

Awards season opens for 2006

28 March 2006

The industry awards season has officially begun. Nominations for the Australia and New Zealand Insurance Industry Awards have opened for 2006…

Brokers find FSL changes hard to keep up with

21 March 2006

Brokers are becoming increasingly frustrated by the varying fire services levies passed on to policyholders and the unpredictable times that insurers choose to charge them…

'No fault' CTP scheme for children

21 March 2006

The NSW Government has introduced a $285 million “no-fault” compensation scheme for children and lifetime care for adults catastrophically injured in motor vehicle accidents…

IBD teams up with banking ombudsman

21 March 2006

Insurance Brokers Disputes, the independent body handling complaints against brokers, is to share a common IT system and staff with the Banking & Financial Services Ombudsman…

Mum’s the word on DOFIs

21 March 2006

Treasury has stopped accepting submissions on its review of discretionary mutual funds and direct offshore foreign insurers – but it’s not saying when it will…

Phillips Fox loses 15 partners in Perth

21 March 2006

The Perth operation of major law firm Phillips Fox, which has traditionally operated through a franchise arrangement, has lost 15 partners in the wake of a move to integrate…

Larry blocks off Innisfail

21 March 2006

Loss adjusters will begin heading into the cyclone-devastated area around Innisfail tomorrow as analysts warn of losses in the tens of millions…

IOS launches new website

21 March 2006

The Insurance Ombudsman Service has launched a new website that provides an interactive “Disputes Wizard” that helps consumers determine whether the service can help them…

New board for ICNZ

21 March 2006

Lumley General Insurance NZ CEO Rieny Marck has been elected President of the Insurance Council of New Zealand…

ICA attacks Victoria’s backdoor fire deals

14 March 2006

The Insurance Council of Australia has warned Victorian Premier Steve Bracks against raising the Melbourne Metropolitan Fire Brigade budget when it’s not justified…

Steadfast takes Perth

14 March 2006

A record attendance of more than 1100 delegates guaranteed that this week’s Steadfast Convention in Perth was going to be a busy affair was the level of activity and interest…

Brokers will hold market share: Pirone

14 March 2006

Brokers will maintain their dominance of commercial insurance distribution over the next 10 years, according to CGU CEO Mario Pirone…