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Minister attacks insurers on FSL

01 August 2006

As NIBA’s tax protest campaign begins to bite with politicians, Victorian Emergency Services Minister Tim Holding has hit back, attacking the insurance industry for profiteering…

Insurer wins costs in NSW appeal

01 August 2006

Tort law reform is back in the spotlight after a NSW Court of Appeal decision gave an insurer the right to full cost recovery from an unsuccessful plaintiff…

ICA backs report on red tape

01 August 2006

The NSW Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal has released its draft “red tape” report, in which it acknowledges the cost of regulation for the insurance industry…

James Hardie and ATO close to agreement

01 August 2006

Federal Treasurer Peter Costello says the stand-off between James Hardie and the Australian Taxation Office is likely to be resolved soon…

States create second inquiry

01 August 2006

The state and territory governments have agreed to launch a second inquiry into legal loopholes that allow companies to avoid liabilities related to injury and death…

Liability rates fall

25 July 2006

The insurance industry and the Federal Government have welcomed research showing public liability premiums are continuing to fall…

Survey predicts global consolidation

25 July 2006

The international insurance industry is poised for another period of intense consolidation, with 52% of companies expecting to use acquisitions to enter new markets…

Weatherproofing deadline challenges insurers

25 July 2006

Insurers aren’t to blame for the slow pace of reconstruction in settlements south of Cairns devastated by Cyclone Larry in March, says the man heading up the recovery taskforce…

Local industry celebrates annual awards

25 July 2006

Vero Insurance New Zealand was named General Insurance Company of the Year at the annual Australia and New Zealand Insurance Industry Awards in Sydney last night…

QBE hits back at rumours

18 July 2006

Leading insurer QBE has rejected allegations that it is undercutting rates to gain market share…

Brokers: rates still dropping

18 July 2006

Many insurers continued to reduce premium rates in June to maintain market share or expand their business, according to brokers…

ICA code takes effect

18 July 2006

The new General Insurance Code of Practice comes into effect today, after a 12-month transition period…

Theft reduction bounces back

18 July 2006

Vehicle theft numbers around Australia are set to come down following the introduction of Operation Bounce Back…

ACCC pulls plug on public liability pool

11 July 2006

With the public liability crisis over and the market continuing to soften, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has decided to close down the co-insurance…

NSW opposition gets on FSL bandwagon

11 July 2006

NSW’s State Opposition is rallying behind the industry’s fight against the collection of fire services levies in the state…

NZ floods not as bad as expected

11 July 2006

Storms that battled the North Island of New Zealand last week will not be as costly to insurers as expected, according to the Insurance Council of New Zealand…