NIBA campaign gets people talking
07 November 2006
The public and industry’s response to NIBA’s national “Every Business Needs an Insurance Broker” advertising campaign has been overwhelmingly positive, according to the association…
07 November 2006
The public and industry’s response to NIBA’s national “Every Business Needs an Insurance Broker” advertising campaign has been overwhelmingly positive, according to the association…
07 November 2006
The fallout from former World Bank Chief Economist Nicholas Stern’s report into climate change continues to stir things up around the world…
31 October 2006
Consolidation is a term dominating the local insurance industry right now, and broking network Austbrokers is the latest to jump on the bandwagon…
31 October 2006
The world can expect a $US7 trillion ($9.1 trillion) clean-up bill if it fails to act now against global warming, according to a new report by former World Bank Chief Economist Nicholas Stern…
31 October 2006
In last week’s Sunrise Exchange News we reported comments by Lumley General Insurance CEO David Matcham on the subject of brokers’ independence…
24 October 2006
A global revolution is taking place in the insurance industry – especially when it comes to Asia – and the industry should embrace the challenges to get ahead…
24 October 2006
Australian underwriters have “a degree of fuzziness” in their understanding of pricing rates, according to Vero COO Darren Maher…
24 October 2006
Lumley General Insurance CEO David Matcham thinks brokers aren’t as independent as they used to be, with many relying on “agent-like” agreements with insurers to do business…
17 October 2006
NIBA has launched a $1 million-plus advertising campaign designed to heighten awareness of brokers in the community…
17 October 2006
The financial services industry is buzzing with merger and acquisition talk – particularly the Suncorp offer to Promina – but it remains to be seen if the corporate watchdog…
17 October 2006
The Insurance Brokers Code of Practice was also launched at the NIBA Convention on Sunday by Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer Chris Pearce…
17 October 2006
QBE Australia has won NIBA’s General Insurer of the Year title for the fifth consecutive year…
10 October 2006
It seems to come a little earlier every year. Victorian and NSW bushfire authorities were hard at work last week as hot and dry conditions sparked the first flames…
10 October 2006
Policyholders who may be eligible for assistance under the HIH Claims Support Scheme through the late application gateway have until November 17 to submit their applications…
10 October 2006
Early next year the High Court will hear the three-year-old court battle between AMP and CGU over a $6 million insurance claim…
10 October 2006
The NSW Government has given giant manufacturer James Hardie an extra month to finalise a funding agreement for the company’s asbestos claims…
10 October 2006
This year’s NIBA Convention, which will be held at the Gold Coast from Saturday to next Tuesday, will deal with issues affecting the industry and how it can explore new opportunities…
03 October 2006
The Council of Financial Regulators wants the cap on payments under a proposed policyholder protection scheme reduced to $20,000 from the $50,000 originally proposed…
03 October 2006
Federal Workplace Relations Minister Kevin Andrews isn’t falling over himself to support a Victorian proposal to open up the worksites of companies covered by the Federal…
03 October 2006
After much scrimping and saving, the NSW workers’ compensation scheme is back in the black…