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WA pushed on stamp duty

14 June 2006

Applying insurance stamp duty on a GST-exclusive basis for insurance premiums would not involve any substantial change to administration costs…

McGrath chases $400 million for HIH

14 June 2006

HIH liquidator Tony McGrath has begun his pursuit of $400 million in damages against FAI Insurance advisers, including federal Parliamentary Secretary Malcolm Turnbull…

DOFI progress slow

14 June 2006

The industry shouldn’t hold its breath waiting for the Federal Treasury to decide how direct offshore foreign insurers and discretionary mutual funds should be regulated…

Loss adjusters lift the bar

14 June 2006

The Australasian Institute of Chartered Loss Adjusters is lifting the minimum standard of education required for a practising loss adjuster…

Smash repair code promotes transparency

06 June 2006

There’s a lot more transparency evident in the highly anticipated voluntary code of practice for the insurance and smash repair industries released by Federal Small Business Minister…

Telstra announces new CEO of Sunrise Exchange

06 June 2006

Telstra has appointed Brendan Tobin as Chief Executive of Telstra eBusiness Services, the company which manages the insurance industry’s major technology platform…

Ex-Club Marine chief pays $375,000

06 June 2006

Former Club Marine CEO Paul Wilson has agreed to stand down for 30 days from his new business Nautilus Marine Insurance Agency and pay $375,000 in damages to Club Marine…

NZ FSL may be affected

06 June 2006

The New Zealand Government is keen to merge the country’s volunteer and professional fire brigades into one organisation, for two reasons – to get rid of outdated legislation…

Ace pulls out of NZ quake risks

06 June 2006

Ace Insurance (NZ) is scaling back its exposure to commercial property risks in NZ due to the potential for a big earthquake in the Wellington region…

New CEO for actuaries

06 June 2006

The Institute of Actuaries of Australia has announced the appointment of John Maroney as CEO…

Climate change comments praised

06 June 2006

Former US Vice President Al Gore has praised IAG CEO Michael Hawker’s leadership over the global warming issue…

Rick Jackson quits IAG

30 May 2006

Rick Jackson, the IAG executive who fought the group’s battle against smash repairers over new procedures for repairs, resigned and left the company last week…

Victoria sneaks in a levy surprise

30 May 2006

The Victorian Government is poised to begin charging a fire services levy from July 1 on notional premiums where the broker or agent uses net ratings…

Claims follow ferry drama

30 May 2006

NZ insurers are still totting up the cost of a wild ride on a ferry that extensively damaged cars and cargo…

NRMA offers training cash

30 May 2006

NRMA Insurance seems to have a love-hate relationship with the NSW smash repair industry…

DOFIs should be on level playing field

23 May 2006

The homegrown insurers of Australia aren’t looking for special treatment – just equitable treatment on a level playing field, according to Promina Group CEO Michael Wilkins…