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Underwriters beyond the blues: report

Insurance industry workers are among the most depressed people in the workforce, with one in 10 underwriters reporting moderate or severe depression, according to a national survey.

The annual professions survey by Beyondblue has ranked underwriters third – behind lawyers and patent attorneys – in the professions experiencing symptoms of depression.

The study of 17,183 people in November last year also found 8% of workers in actuarial firms and 6% of insurance brokers have moderate or severe depressive symptoms. Nearly 5% of actuarial workers said they used alcohol or other drugs to reduce or manage their depression.

Beyondblue Workplace Program Manager Clare Shann says depressive symptoms seem to diminish with increased age, income and seniority.

“Studies like this are vital for identifying groups that are particularly at risk,” she said. “They also provide a foundation for Beyondblue to work with professional organisations to build awareness and understanding of depression in the workplace, as well as providing advice on available help.”