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Car theft down in June quarter

25 September 2007

Motor vehicle thefts have fallen for the sixth consecutive quarter and are down more than 6% on the previous year, new figures show…

Insurers warn landlords on drug labs

25 September 2007

New Zealand's illegal drug manufacturers seem to be moving into fancier digs - with implications for landlords and their insurers…

Aon warns on supply chain risk

25 September 2007

The pursuit of corporate efficiency is leaving businesses badly exposed to supply chain risks, insurance broker Aon says…

More to do on IT security

25 September 2007

The world's largest financial institutions are underprepared for the security challenges of the future, according to Deloitte's 2007 Global Security Survey

Extension called for PI plan

18 September 2007

NIBA is calling on the Federal Government to extend the start-up date for regulations requiring all brokers to hold professional indemnity cover…

Mulcahy warns on integration benefits

18 September 2007

The crunch in international credit markets and unexpected natural disasters are the main caveats ahead of Suncorp boosting profits by 10% this year, CEO John Mulcahy says…

Brian Gray scholarships awarded

18 September 2007

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority has announced the recipients of its annual Brian Gray scholarships…

Safe driving guide for Kiwi employers

18 September 2007

Land Transport New Zealand and the Accident Compensation Corporation have collaborated on a resource to help NZ businesses educate employees on safe driving…

Liability lines plummet in 2006

11 September 2007

Margins in professional indemnity and public liability insurance have come under further pressure as global and domestic insurers trade pricing jabs in the $2.6 billion liability market…

Consumer advocate challenges insurers

11 September 2007

Banking and Financial Services Ombudsman Consumer Director Fiona Guthrie has thrown down the gauntlet to the insurance industry…

CGU wins its case

04 September 2007

The moral of the story is: always check with the insurer before paying compensation…

Analysts tough on IAG

04 September 2007

Market watchers have savaged IAG following its announcement of a downsized profit for fiscal 2007…

… and KPMG warns on reserves

04 September 2007

Record profits for Australia’s top-shelf insurers are being bankrolled by reserve releases, which is a trend that won’t last, according to the latest industry snapshot by KPMG…

Premium rise could backfire: Deloitte

04 September 2007

IAG’s bold move to bring about a correction on commercial lines could backfire unless consumers are prepared to wear a price increase, Trowbridge Deloitte has warned…

Emerging technology risks unknown: Swiss Re

04 September 2007

Insurers will remain quarantined from emerging energy markets until governments worldwide lay down market blueprints to support low-emissions technologies…

Premium pressure set to continue

04 September 2007

Intense competition and healthy capacity levels combined to push premium rates down over the second quarter of 2007, according to Aon Australia…

Premiums to continue

28 August 2007

Suncorp CEO John Mulcahy says claims that the insurance industry cycle has reached a dangerous low point are unfounded…