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New UAC chairman comes out fighting

Newly appointed Underwriting Agencies Council Chairman Martin McAvenna has issued a bullish defence of his members' role in the insurance industry.

Mr McAvenna, Executive Director of Austagencies and the UAC's former Vice Chairman and Treasurer, was confirmed in the top job at a board meeting last Wednesday.

Insurers can benefit hugely from underwriting agencies' expertise in niche markets, Mr McAvenna told

"Underwriting agencies make a contribution to how brokers relate to their clients in product design and service delivery," he said.

"Because of their size and the volume of business they deal with, large insurance companies have generic touches.

"Insurers know we have high product and underwriting expertise, plus broker relationships."

Under Mr McAvenna's stewardship, the council will continue to lobby the Government on the direct offshore foreign insurers (DOFI) legislation, as well as enhancing its joint expos with NIBA.

Mr McAvenna replaces Murray Rogash, who resigned last month following the sale of his contractors' plant insurance business.

Dual MD Damien Coates has been named UAC Treasurer and the council is yet to confirm a Vice Chairman.

Following last year's AGM vote to increase the UAC board from six to eight members, associate director Kevin Corkery now becomes a full director, while Frank Van Rooy will continue as an associate director.