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IAG spruiks coastal property insurance scheme

16 June 2008

IAG has released further detail on a proposed coastal insurance scheme to better protect almost 500,000 Australian coastal properties located within four metres of the high-tide level...

Gisborne quake claims completed

16 June 2008

NZ experts have completed processing claims resulting from the earthquake that shook the city of Gisborne on December 20 last year...

Brokers lose out in salary survey

10 June 2008

Underwriters are the big winners in the latest Hays salary survey, which shows little improvement in broker remuneration...

Check D&O coverage: Marsh

10 June 2008

Australian directors involved in overseas expansion need to check the scope of their directors’ and officers’ policies carefully, according to Marsh...

Car theft falls 7%

10 June 2008

Car theft continues to decline across the country, with a 7% fall in thefts in the 12 months to March this year...

NIBA wins delay over DOFIs

02 June 2008

The National Insurance Brokers Association has won its appeal to defer reporting requirements for DOFIs for an extra three months...

… as NSW Nationals step up pressure

02 June 2008

NSW Deputy Opposition Leader and National Party leader Andrew Stoner says he will highlight rising state taxes, including insurance taxes, during a two-month tour of the state...

Wilkins plans targets for IAG

02 June 2008

New IAG CEO Mike Wilkins intends to set a series of financial and performance “milestones” for the group...

Politician’s payout very rare, senators told

02 June 2008

Hard questions continue to be asked of privatised home warranty insurance, with revelations in the Sydney Morning Herald at the weekend that Howard Government minister…

Mutiny yacht found afloat

02 June 2008

The yacht abandoned two months ago after the crew “mutinied” against the skipper has been spotted floating about 370km off the New Zealand coast...

Now Wilkins faces unhappy shareholders

26 May 2008

The first priority for newly installed IAG CEO Mike Wilkins will be to stare down shareholders dismayed at QBE walking away from a merger proposal that would have valued IAG…