Australian actuaries expand to general insurance
14 July 2008
Insurance statisticians can now call themselves actuaries...
14 July 2008
Insurance statisticians can now call themselves actuaries...
14 July 2008
The increased prevalence of natural disasters and the global credit crunch are putting strain on the insurance industry, a union leader believes...
14 July 2008
Regional broker Matthew O’Donnell has been named NSW regional finalist for NIBA’s nationwide Warren Tickle Memorial Award...
07 July 2008
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission says it will approve the Insurance Council of Australia’s common industry flood definition, but has attached some…
07 July 2008
Australian insurers are in the box seat to benefit if the National Party wins the upcoming New Zealand election and once again privatises the Accident Compensation Corporation…
07 July 2008
NIBA has strongly endorsed a proposal by the New South Wales economic regulator to cut insurance stamp duty and abolish the fire services levy...
07 July 2008
Two regional finalists for NIBA’s Warren Tickle Memorial Award have been named, with Queensland and South Australia announcing state winners on Friday...
07 July 2008
An insurance lawyer has become the first female and youngest president of the Australian Lawyers Alliance...
30 June 2008
Thousands of Australian insurance jobs will move offshore over the next 20 years as companies centralise operations for efficiency gains, a report into the services sector claims...
30 June 2008
Leading insurers have been singing in chorus lately about the need to push up premiums to counter falling profits...
30 June 2008
Vero has defended the quality of last-resort home warranty insurance as a Senate inquiry into the product continues...
30 June 2008
The marine division of claims specialists Freemans has been appointed a Lloyd’s agent for Sydney and Melbourne, extending the company’s coverage to the whole of the east coast...
30 June 2008
Landlord claims for lost rent and property damage are expected to rise in the next six months as rents continue to rise in the major cities...
30 June 2008
The Federal Government has pledged $30 million for new equipment for recovery efforts for disasters such as building collapses and earthquakes...
23 June 2008
The insurance industry’s net profit plummeted by more than a third to $3.5 billion for the year ending March 31 as higher claims expenses took their toll, according to…
23 June 2008
The NZ Government is a step closer to introducing compulsory third party property motor insurance to combat damage caused by uninsured drivers...
23 June 2008
The insurance industry enters a new era next week as key legislation takes effect restricting the activities of foreign insurers in the Australian market...
23 June 2008
New Zealanders are taking risks with their futures by ignoring the need to insure adequately, according to local statistics...
23 June 2008
Corporate fraud is a growing problem in Australia and insurers need to promote improvements in risk management to combat the threat, says a fraud expert...
16 June 2008
There’s a strong case for NSW to abolish the fire services levy, the state’s economic regulator revealed in a report last week...