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NIBA brokers flock to Darwin

More than 700 insurance professionals will travel to Darwin later this week to attend the annual NIBA Convention, which is being held in the Top End for the first time.

The three-day forum, which begins on Saturday evening, has attracted a significant number of brokers from around Australia, with guests also flying in from the UK and Asia.

NIBA CEO Noel Pettersen says the convention will adopt the laid-back atmosphere of Darwin, while the sessions will concentrate on the big issues facing brokers and the wider industry. Major non-industry presenters include General Peter Cosgrove and Australian of the Year Lee Kernaghan.

“We’ve got a great turnout of young brokers and the exhibition spaces are all sold out,” Mr Pettersen said. “It will be quite different having a convention so far from the major centres, but all the indications are that it’s going to be terrific.”