Industry giants a study in contrasts
23 August 2010
Top two insurers Suncorp and IAG are expected to deliver vastly different results when the pair unveil their end-of-year financials this week…
23 August 2010
Top two insurers Suncorp and IAG are expected to deliver vastly different results when the pair unveil their end-of-year financials this week…
23 August 2010
Insurance Council of New Zealand President Ian Foy will step down today ahead of his return to the UK…
23 August 2010
As many as 800 brokers and other industry professionals attended the Insurance Brokers of NZ annual Propel convention in Auckland last week, setting a new attendance record…
23 August 2010
Most Australian insurance websites – 75% – are failing to deliver the best possible response times for potential customers, according to software giant Compuware…
23 August 2010
New research shows more than half of vehicle thefts and car break-ins occur in the owner’s garage, driveway or a nearby street…
16 August 2010
QBE has been named General Insurance Company of the Year at the Australia and New Zealand Insurance Industry Awards…
16 August 2010
The World Health Organisation says the deadly H1N1 swine flu virus has “largely run its course” and is now in the post-pandemic phase…
16 August 2010
Suncorp has hosed down Finance Sector Union criticism of the company for imposing a four-year pay deal on employees with no guaranteed pay increases…
16 August 2010
A survey of customer experience outcomes in the motor and property insurance sectors has seen Suncorp brand Apia top the list of insurers customers would recommend…
16 August 2010
The public image of insurance is improving, thanks to insurers’ performance following recent disasters – but some claimants are still in danger of “drowning in red tape”…
16 August 2010
The Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance has launched a website aiming to improve consumer understanding of insurance and risk management…
09 August 2010
A ruling last week by Australia’s top court has paved the way for failed phone company One.Tel to pursue CGU for $20 million…
09 August 2010
The 2009 Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission has called on insurers to play their part in tackling underinsurance by making cover easier to understand and purchase...
09 August 2010
Most of the major Australian car insurers have shunned new online car quote and premium comparison service Infochoice…
09 August 2010
A tornado that ripped through the town of Penola in southeast SA last week isn’t expected to register on the scale of major insurance events…
02 August 2010
The insurance industry has welcomed a recommendation by the 2009 Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission to axe the fire services levy in favour of a property-based fire funding model…
02 August 2010
Australasian Institute of Chartered Loss Adjusters President Ian McWalter has called on his members to get creative to meet competition from alternative service providers…
02 August 2010
Constantly glancing at a GPS while driving can significantly reduce driver attention and safety, while having it incorrectly positioned can create significant driver “blind spots”…
02 August 2010
Suncorp is on the move again, capitalising on its scale and using a unique strategy to slash costs and increase efficiencies…
26 July 2010
A new survey of brokers has revealed most observed moderate increases of 1%-9% in commercial lines in the June 30 renewal period, while personal lines policies rose by 10%-30%…