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Fraud hotline launched

11 October 2010

A new phone service is encouraging Australians to report suspected insurance fraud…

GFC takes a bite out of earnings

11 October 2010

The global financial crisis took a big hunk out of the NZ finance and insurance sectors last year, with total income slumping 7.5% – or more than $NZ6 billion ($4.63 billion)…

Banks reach deal on quake payouts

04 October 2010

A new agreement has been thrashed out between banks and the NZ Government to allow Earthquake Commission (EQC) claims over $100,000 for mortgaged homes to be dealt with speedily…

$19 million payout after stadium roof collapse

04 October 2010

NZI has settled a $NZ25 million ($19 million) claim from the operators of Stadium Southland in the southern city of Invercargill, after the stadium’s roof collapsed following a snowstorm on September 18…

Premiums growing despite competition

27 September 2010

Insurance premiums on personal lines products have increased despite more market competition from new players, KPMG says in its latest report on the general insurance industry…

Insurers escape big bills from bad NZ weather

27 September 2010

As New Zealand continues to pick up the pieces after the Christchurch earthquake the country has been battered by a week of destructive weather – and it isn’t over yet…

WA fire victims wait on talks

27 September 2010

Compensation for victims of bushfires at Toodyay, 85km northeast of Perth, may be sought through the courts unless negotiations between the WA Government, Western Power and…

Super funds to offer general insurance

20 September 2010

Another personal lines channel is opening up the rush to find new distribution bases, with QBE to supply online general insurance products to industry superannuation fund members…

Investor wants his HIH money back

20 September 2010

An investor who spent $7.2 million of his family company’s money on HIH shares a few months before the giant insurer collapsed in March 2001 kept buying…

Locust threat growing

20 September 2010

The first locust hatchings have been reported in Victoria, with reports of swarms now forming in central Queensland…

NZ quake costs still unknown

20 September 2010

As the state of emergency lifts and the number of aftershocks decrease, a clearer picture of the damage from the September 3 Christchurch quake damage is emerging…

NZ Government fast-tracks quake claims

20 September 2010

The NZ Government wants insurers to fast-track the processing of claims following the Christchurch earthquake, although the industry says that all it can do is being done…