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Work starts slowly on rebuilding Christchurch

Work on rebuilding damaged properties in Christchurch after the September earthquake is slowly starting to happen, but there are still a large number of claims to be assessed.

Insurance Council of New Zealand CEO Chris Ryan says there have been about 120,000 claims to date and he expects building work on the majority of these will start after Christmas.

“The level of building work at present is not surprising at this stage as it was a very large event,” he told

“Some people are also holding off claiming, waiting to see if any more damage has been done by aftershocks.”

However, it’s likely the number of claims being lodged will increase in the next week before the Earthquake Commission stops accepting claims on December 4.

Mr Ryan says because of the wide range of building materials required for the works, he doesn’t expect there will be any shortages.

“However, there might be a issue with the shortage of labour,” he said.

Lumley Insurance NZ CEO John Lyon says permits and assessment of claims have slowed down the process, but generally builders are starting to repair houses.

“At this moment there isn’t a lot of building work under way,” he told

“We are ready to start repairs but our customers are telling us not to start until the aftershocks finish.”

Mr Lyon expects work to really start early next year and will progress well during the summer months. “The resources are available.”