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Mobile the way to go for insurers: Telstra

Mobile phone technology will deliver simpler, more customised options for insurers, according to Telstra.

In a major new report on insurance communications, Telstra has identified a number of opportunities for insurers to deliver products.

These include customising insurance through behaviour and lifestyle, as well as providing tools on phones enabling consumers to keep policies up to date.

Simplified applications for insurance could also be delivered through mobile phone technology, and this can also be used to deal with claims, enquiries and payments.

The report’s author, Telstra National GM Industry Development Rocky Scopelliti, says mobile phone technology could assist insurers in product delivery and management.

“Australia is one of the world’s most mature mobile markets,” he said. “Today, 17% of Australians are using their mobile-connected devices to search for and make decisions about insurance.

“Yet most Australian insurers are yet to offer any mobile applications for its employees, customers, agents or brokers.”

Telstra tested its proposals through consumer research and most found favour with consumers.

“If an insurer offered all these options, almost half of those surveyed (44%) found at least two of the suggestions appealing,” Mr Scopelliti said.

The research was undertaken in conjunction with the Financial Services Council (FSC), and CEO John Brogden says it showed how insurers could better connect with their clients.

“As the Telstra report notes, mobile applications provide insurers with a new opportunity to create a more interactive and ongoing relationship with their customers,” he said.