Christchurch earthquake: Insurers welcome buyout option
27 June 2011
New Zealand insurers say a Government decision to offer a buyback option for 5100 residents in the worst affected areas of Christchurch will “provide clarity for customers”…
27 June 2011
New Zealand insurers say a Government decision to offer a buyback option for 5100 residents in the worst affected areas of Christchurch will “provide clarity for customers”…
27 June 2011
The federal parliamentary inquiry into the insurance response to natural disasters will hold public hearings in Queensland, NSW, rural Victoria and WA as well as Canberra and Sydney later this year…
27 June 2011
The CSIRO believes its cutting-edge dam modelling research could outstrip current flood-mapping technology, and is in discussions with insurers and government officials to bring it…
27 June 2011
The NZ Earthquake Commission has confirmed it is on track to complete assessments of all major damage to Christchurch properties by mid-July…
27 June 2011
The controversial proposal to make flood cover mandatory will come under the microscope next month as the Natural Disaster Insurance Review panel takes part in two information…
27 June 2011
Whistleblowers, technology and zero tolerance are the keys to combating fraud, according to Zurich General Insurance Fraud Manager Asia-Pacific Adam Plummer…
20 June 2011
Widespread rate increases have not occurred in the SME market, according to a new report by Aon…
20 June 2011
The extension for public submissions addressing insurance matters to be made to the Queensland Floods Commission of Inquiry has passed, with all submissions due by June 15…
20 June 2011
The Australian National University and broker Aon have settled long-running litigation over the devastating Canberra bushfires in January 2003 that destroyed the Mt Stromlo Observatory…
20 June 2011
Catastrophe modeller Eqecat has defended its loss estimate for the June 13 Christchurch earthquakes, while reinsurers have reassured the market they will cover New Zealand risks…
20 June 2011
IAG and QBE are talking up premium increases, but speculation still remains over exactly how high the rises might be…
20 June 2011
New Zealand’s local authority insurer is having difficulty getting enough reinsurance for damage to underground infrastructure in the country following the Christchurch earthquakes…
20 June 2011
Travel disruptions last week caused by the volcanic ash cloud across Australia and New Zealand from Chile’s Puyehue Cordon Caulle volcano will be covered under most travel insurance policies…
20 June 2011
The Insurance Council of Australia says it is monitoring last week’s flooding along the NSW coast, but so far there has not been a large number of claims…
20 June 2011
Contestable broking platforms come under the microscope in the latest edition of Insurance News (the magazine), which is being mailed out this week…
14 June 2011
A number of insurers made a loss from their Australian operations in the year to December 31, according to data released by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority…
14 June 2011
The New Zealand insurance landscape has changed permanently following the latest Christchurch earthquake, according to Insurance Council of New Zealand CEO Chris Ryan…
14 June 2011
A Federal Government inquiry into insurance gaps in coastal regions has been included in the Natural Disaster Insurance Review’s terms of reference as reports show sea level rises could cause…
14 June 2011
Suncorp Personal Insurance CEO Mark Milliner has warned that moves to make flood cover compulsory would drive up home insurance premiums by a “significant amount” for homeowners…
14 June 2011
The Insurance Council of New Zealand and the Earthquake Commission will seek guidance from the High Court to determine how to apportion damage from the Christchurch earthquakes…