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Life Insurance

Advisers drawn to social media sites

16 April 2012

More than 1000 Financial Planning Association members have joined a forum the association has set up on the social media site LinkedIn…

FPA members can become tax agents

02 April 2012

Members of the Financial Planning Association can now be formally recognised under the Tax Agent Services Regulations…

Consumers ‘know little about life insurance’

02 April 2012

Consumers are happy with the life insurance cover they have within a super fund, but they don’t know anything about the policy, according to Canstar Head of Wealth Management Stephen Mitchell…

Government changes FOFA opt-in rules

26 March 2012

The Federal Government has changed the controversial opt-in provision in its Future of Financial Advice legislation, now providing advisers exemptions from the measure if they are members…

FOFA bill reveals deep divisions

26 March 2012

The latest changes to the Future of Financial Advice regulations have divided the financial services industry…

Industry rejects FSC’s churn concerns

26 March 2012

The Financial Services Council will talk to the life insurance industry on developing a policy to stop churning, but industry sources say it is not a major problem…

Government caves in on FOFA start date

19 March 2012

The Government has caved in after fierce industry lobbying and delayed the introduction of the Future of Financial Advice reforms for a year…

Industry welcomes FOFA delay

19 March 2012

The financial services industry has welcomed the delayed start date for the Future of Financial Advice reforms, but will keep lobbying on other elements of the bill…