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Life Insurance

ANZ insurance business on track

20 August 2012

ANZ’s Global Wealth division, including OnePath insurance, is trading in line with market conditions, the bank has announced…

Opposition ‘has draft FOFA changes ready’

06 August 2012

The Federal Opposition has drafted its Future of Financial Advice amendment legislation based on the 16 recommendations in its response to the parliamentary joint committee report on FOFA…

NDIS ‘no risk for life insurers’

06 August 2012

Life insurers will not see any impact on their businesses from the National Disability Insurance Scheme, Every Australian Counts National Campaign Director John Della Bosca says…

AIA on growth path

06 August 2012

AIA is the fastest-growing life insurer in the Australian market, according to its Australia CEO Peter Crewe…

ASIC expects codes to contain opt-in provisions

30 July 2012

Industry codes of conduct should contain provisions “substantially similar” to the opt-in requirement in the Future of Financial Advice legislation, according to the Australian Securities and Investments…

Don’t copy people: AFA President

30 July 2012

Successful businesses are run by people who don’t imitate others, according to Association of Financial Advisers President Brad Fox…