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Zurich updates occupations for life products

Zurich has reviewed its risk rating for engineering and mining jobs, added more than 30 occupations to its adviser guide and enhanced its definition of malignant cancer in relation to breast cancer and melanoma.

The changes are a response to evolving market conditions, according to GM Retail Life Philip Kewin.

“Two of our improvements relate to structural changes in the marketplace,” he said. “These are the evolving profile of the workforce and the significant advances being seen in medical technology.”

Mr Kewin rejects speculation that product upgrades lead to advisers churning clients’ policies. He says Zurich offers an upgrade guarantee, meaning a policy automatically has the latest features regardless of when it was taken out.

“Our wealth-protection range has been on sale since 1998, meaning customers who took out their policy more than a decade ago have the same benefits as a new customer,” he said.

“Advisers want to do the right thing by their clients, which means ensuring they have the most up-to-date benefits.”

Zurich has also announced the base premium rate across its entire range remains unchanged.