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Life insurance complaints dominate SCT rulings

Life insurance disputes featured in more than half of the Superannuation Complaints Tribunal’s (SCT) determinations in the last quarter of the 2012 financial year.

Of 13 determinations in the three months to June 30, seven related to insurance. Two involved death benefits and the refusal of claims. The SCT upheld both decisions by the fund trustees and insurer.

There were three total and permanent disability disputes concerning claims dismissed by the trustees and insurer. The decisions were upheld.

Two income protection disputes were determined, one concerning cover ceasing at 55 years rather than at 60 and another on varying the terms of the policy. Both decisions by the trustees and insurer were upheld.

The SCT received 2809 telephone complaints from fund members and 627 written complaints in the quarter. No details were given on the number of complaints relating to insurance.