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Life Insurance

FPA roadshows draw larger audience

01 August 2016

The Financial Planning Association says 3200 members attended its recent national roadshow, up 22% on last year’s tour…

NAB reorganises wealth business

25 July 2016

With the sale of MLC’s life insurance business to Nippon Life nearing completion, NAB has merged the remaining wealth management operation with its consumer banking division…

FPA promotional drive connects with consumers

25 July 2016

The Financial Planning Association’s national campaign to promote quality advice is estimated to have reached 6 million consumers, resulting in 41,000 clicks online…

TAL dominates direct life market

25 July 2016

TAL remains the leader in the direct life insurance individual lump sum market, with inforce premium of $307.6 million last year, according to a new Plan For Life report…

Banks make progress on commission reform

18 July 2016

Rules governing the payment of sales commissions and incentives by banks are expected to be in place by March next year, according the Australian Bankers’ Association…