Synchron veteran retires
18 July 2016
Synchron’s long-serving Queensland State Manager Gerry Porter has retired, and will be replaced by Gee Vas…
18 July 2016
Synchron’s long-serving Queensland State Manager Gerry Porter has retired, and will be replaced by Gee Vas…
18 July 2016
The UK’s move to leave the EU will hit European life insurers, rating agencies have warned…
18 July 2016
Rises in the number of amputations performed due to diabetes are avoidable if awareness of the illness is improved, according to Diabetes Australia CEO Greg Johnson…
18 July 2016
AIA Australia has set up a web-based self-service portal, allowing financial advisers to take more control when managing client account details…
18 July 2016
With the sale of Macquarie Life to Zurich Life due to be completed later this year, two managers from the former have already moved to the new owner…
18 July 2016
Fidelity Life has appointed Nadine Tereora as CEO, replacing Milton Jennings, who stepped down earlier this year…
11 July 2016
While life insurance revenue is growing, new data obtained exclusively by shows the market’s policy count has remained static for the past eight years…
11 July 2016
Many advisers still want multiple life insurers on platforms, according to the latest Investment Trends adviser technology report…
11 July 2016
The financial services industry has breathed a sigh of relief with the election result finally decided yesterday…
11 July 2016
Robo-advice may present an opportunity to reach consumers who have not sought information on their finances, according to a new report from Rice Warner…
11 July 2016
ClearView Wealth has expanded its business development teams in NSW, Victoria and Queensland…
11 July 2016
There were 5902 more deaths registered in 2014 than in 2013, according to revised data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics…
11 July 2016
Austock Life has doubled up on support services for financial advisers, amid increased interest in insurance bonds…
11 July 2016
ClearView Wealth has added annuities to its WealthSolutions advice platform, following feedback from its advisers…
11 July 2016
Former TAL CEO Jim Minto has been appointed Acting CEO of the Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia…
04 July 2016
The Association of Financial Advisers says at least one director of the proposed financial advice standards board should be a practising adviser…
04 July 2016
The Life Insurance Customer Group has maintained its attack on the Financial Services Council, again claiming there is no evidence of extensive churning that would justify proposed reforms…
04 July 2016
Spring Financial Group has selected AIA as its insurance partner on a new platform targeting the self-managed superannuation fund market…
04 July 2016
The imposition of state taxes and levies on life insurance has worsened in the past seven years, according to an updated Financial Services Council report…
04 July 2016
An adviser to superannuation funds is planning to expand its offering to provide a more holistic service…