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The Professional

UAC sessions for staff and bosses

28 November 2011

Young professionals and their more senior managers will be in the spotlight at the Underwriting Agencies Council professional development day in Sydney on December 6…

Vero executive wins global award for leadership

28 November 2011

Vero EM Operational Excellence and Partnering Troy Filipcevic has been presented with the Association for Co-operative Operations Research and Development award for outstanding leadership standards…

RMIA picks its top risk manager

28 November 2011

CBH Group CRO Rob Maurich has been named Risk Manager of the Year at the Risk Management Institution of Australasia conference…

Coates steps out of UAC chair

21 November 2011

Underwriting Agencies Council Chairman Damien Coates will not stand for re-election at the UAC annual general meeting on December 2, saying he doesn’t have sufficient spare time…

What price fame? Ask AAMI

21 November 2011

For people seeking their 10 seconds of fame, AAMI will allow 160 Facebook fans to appear in a special Safe Driver Rewards television commercial…

FPA names its best advisers

21 November 2011

Advisers from practices from WA, SA Tasmania and NSW won Financial Planning Association Best Practice awards at the annual conference in Brisbane last week…

Lambert to move to Global Transport

14 November 2011

Austbrokers GM Operations and Strategic Development Glenn Lambert is moving to underwriting agency Global Transport & Automotive Insurance Solutions after five years with the broker group…

Who beat the boss this week for $120,000?

14 November 2011

Team Finity, from Finity Consulting, won the Create Foundation’s “Beat the Bosses” quiz night in the annual insurance and finance industry “battle of the brains” held in Sydney last week…

AICLA names new board

07 November 2011

The Australasian Institute of Chartered Loss Adjusters has announced a series of board changes following its AGM…

Ansvar veteran retires

07 November 2011

Ansvar Insurance WA and SA Regional Manager Phil McGuire has resigned after 40 years in the industry…