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Regulatory & Government

ICA raises fears over private care laws

27 May 2013

A review of private hospital regulation could pose problems for insurers that provide indemnity cover, according to the Insurance Council of Australia…

ICA backs bid to clarify LMI cover

20 May 2013

Plans for borrowers to receive lenders’ mortgage insurance information statements when home loans are approved have been “strongly” backed by the Insurance Council of Australia…

Spending on Canterbury rebuild rises

20 May 2013

The New Zealand Government estimates it will contribute $NZ15.2 billion ($12.62 billion) to the Canterbury earthquake recovery…

NZ to cut no-fault insurer levies

20 May 2013

New Zealand’s Accident Compensation Corporation will cut levies by about $NZ300 million ($249 million) in 2014/15, rising to $NZ1 billion ($830 million) from 2015/16…

Queensland to change worker definition

13 May 2013

The Queensland Government has introduced a bill to make its definition of “worker” the same as that used by the Australian Taxation Office…

APRA cracks down on conglomerate contagion risk

13 May 2013

Conglomerates – groups whose activities cross more than one industry – will have to perform internal capital adequacy assessments under draft standards proposed by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority…