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Comcover receives State Mine fire claims

Thirteen compensation claims have been lodged over the State Mine bushfire that destroyed homes near Lithgow in NSW, Federal Government insurer Comcover says.

A botched Australian Defence Force explosives exercise started the blaze on October 16. It burned for a month across 56,000 hectares of land, razing five homes and seven buildings.

Comcover says no claims have been paid so far, with loss assessor reports yet to be received. More claims may follow.

A Defence inquiry is continuing in Sydney this week, but it will not consider claims because they are beyond its scope, a spokesman told

Defence has referred claims to Comcover. NSW Police and Comcare are conducting their own investigations into the fire.

Members of the NSW Rural Fire Service, including Deputy Commissioner Rob Rogers, will appear before the Defence inquiry this week.

Last week the inquiry heard the site where the blaze started had not been back-burned since 1995.

When Defence personnel tried to put out the fire they were almost hit by shrapnel from two bombs that exploded. The fire spread rapidly, further fuelled by bombs.

The inquiry will make recommendations to Defence, but will not discipline individuals or award compensation, the spokesman says.